Division & Department

The activities of the centre are coordinated through various divisions.

We have various division for you

The Audio-Visual division is charged with the acquisition, preservation, documentation, production and utilization of Audio-Visual materials and technology. The materials include promotional films and documentaries on topical issues, films on tourism, audio-Visual tapes of special reports, music and culture in general, video cassettes of special interest, FESTAC ’77 cassettes and films on cultural festivals in Nigeria and around the globe.


The Museum department houses available arts and crafts of the different cultures of the world. Materials used and acquired from major historical events are preserved here. This includes materials from the 1st World Black and African Festival of arts and culture- FESTAC ’77. The collection which includes archeological works and pieces, such as ornamental decorative, pre-colonial, pre-historic, monetary artifacts (Manila), will continue to be augmented with donations of materials from world organizations and countries.


This division has in its collection notable works of arts and crafts from Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world, representing the different traditions, movements and tendencies in artistic expressions. It also has an exhibition hall where works of arts, portraits, abstract art, sculptures, etc are on display and available for the interested public.


This department recognizes that all the products, in order to have value, must be perfected and introduced to the target consumers. The division, operating as veritable intellectual entrepreneurs, in collaboration and coordination with research and consultancy division, continues to generate letters, proposals, propositions, products synopsis and prototypes to would-be partners and collaborators across the world, for purpose of brining into full accomplishment of the products and programmes.


This department remains the powerhouse of the center for information collation and dissemination, documentation and 14 knowledge impartation. The division is to network the elements available to us in the new technological age, for development and growth of the young generation. Primarily, it is a division that is geared towards educating and training of our youths on the new information technology and analysis as the computer offers in the new millennium.


The department recognizes physical conditioning and sports in general as veritable aspects of culture. It houses a modern gymnasium that undertakes specialized fitness and body conditioning training courses for artistes, aspiring and practicing athletes, boxers, wrestlers, weight-lifters and those who seek to loose weight.

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Is a centre for Art & Culture display. We bring back old traditions
Contact Us
+234 (0)809 449 4446,
+234 (0) 803 325 0473
info@uzzitzcentre.org kellyiyk2000@gmail.com
Our Addresses
  • Plot 1515 Orji Uzor Kalu close Mabushi, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Direction: Uzzitz Centre for Art and Culture, opposite Banex Bridge, Mabushi, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Plot 01 Uzzitz Avenue, Uzinaumu Autonomous community, Oru West L. G. A. Imo State, Nigeria.
  • 28 Milladge Close, Nottingham, England.

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